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Supporting Teachers to Better Understand ADHD: Insights from REACH ADHD Coaching

Supporting Teachers to Better Understand ADHD.

Recent research from the University of Melbourne has highlighted a concerning gap in teacher preparedness when it comes to supporting students with ADHD. According to the study, 85% of teachers surveyed reported not receiving adequate training on ADHD-specific strategies. This gap can lead to frustration for both teachers and students, underscoring the need for professional support that equips educators with the skills they need to succeed.
With our combined backgrounds in education and ADHD coaching, we provide teachers with the tools to confidently support their ADHD students.
At REACH ADHD Coaching, we’re passionate about closing this gap. With our combined backgrounds in education and ADHD coaching, we provide teachers with the tools to confidently support their ADHD students. Our coaching helps educators move beyond theoretical knowledge and into practical, classroom-ready strategies that make a real difference.
Findings from the University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne study revealed some telling statistics about teachers’ confidence in supporting ADHD students:
  • 85% of teachers felt unprepared to manage ADHD behaviours in the classroom.
  • 67% of teachers were unsure how to scaffold learning for ADHD students.
  • Teachers highlighted executive functioning, emotional regulation, and classroom management as the areas they most needed help with.
These statistics demonstrate just how essential it is to provide tailored professional development for teachers. This is where ADHD coaching can offer the targeted support that teachers need to feel more confident in the classroom and better prepared to support their neurodiverse students.
Teachers need to feel more confident in the classroom and better prepared to support their neurodiverse students.
How REACH ADHD Coaching Bridges the Gap
At REACH ADHD, we bring together our deep understanding of both education and ADHD. Our combined expertise allows us to offer coaching that is both evidence-based and grounded in the real-world challenges of the classroom.
Teachers are doing an amazing job with the resources they have.
"Teachers are doing an amazing job with the resources they have," says Fiona, co-founder of REACH ADHD, "but without specific ADHD strategies, they’re often left feeling frustrated when they can’t get through to students. Our role is to give them the tools to bridge that gap and create classrooms where ADHD students can truly thrive."
Our approach focuses on three key areas where teachers have reported needing the most support:
  • Executive Functioning: We help teachers implement strategies to scaffold students' executive functioning skills, such as task management, organisation, and planning.
  • Emotional Regulation: We guide teachers in helping ADHD students manage their emotions through tools like mindfulness, sensory support, and movement breaks.
  • Classroom Management: Our coaching provides teachers with practical strategies to manage ADHD behaviours while creating a positive, inclusive learning environment.
Debbie, co-founder of REACH ADHD, adds, "What sets us apart is that we understand both the educational demands and the unique needs of neurodiverse students. We’re able to offer tailored coaching that fits within the realities of a busy classroom while also being sensitive to the ways ADHD impacts learning and behaviour."
The Impact of ADHD Coaching: Lessons from the USA
While ADHD coaching is well-established in the USA, it is still gaining momentum in Australia. Research from American schools has shown that ADHD coaching for educators leads to significant improvements in both student outcomes and teacher well-being. Studies indicate that teachers who receive ADHD-specific coaching report a 30% improvement in classroom management and a 25% increase in student engagement.
Australian schools can take a leading role in supporting neurodiverse students, demonstrating a commitment to inclusive education and innovative professional development.
By adopting ADHD coaching, Australian schools can take a leading role in supporting neurodiverse students, demonstrating a commitment to inclusive education and innovative professional development.
"Coaching isn’t about giving teachers more to do. It’s about offering them practical strategies that reduce stress and help them manage their classrooms more effectively. When teachers feel supported, everyone benefits—especially the students," says Fiona.
When teachers feel supported, everyone benefits—especially the students.
Why Australian Schools Should Consider ADHD Coaching
The findings from the University of Melbourne make it clear that Australian teachers are eager for more support when it comes to ADHD. Schools that want to be at the forefront of educational innovation should consider ADHD coaching as part of their professional learning programs.
At REACH ADHD, we’ve seen first-hand how small changes in classroom management and teaching strategies can lead to big improvements for students with ADHD. Our coaching programs are designed to be flexible and tailored to the specific needs of each school, ensuring that teachers get the support they need in a way that is manageable and sustainable.
"We’re uniquely positioned to help schools make real, lasting changes. Our combined experience in education and ADHD coaching gives us the insight to know what works in practice, not just in theory," Debbie explains.

Together, we can create classrooms where every student has the chance to succeed.
By offering ADHD coaching, schools can empower their teachers to make meaningful changes in the classroom—changes that benefit both neurodiverse students and the broader school community.
The University of Melbourne’s research highlights a significant gap in teacher preparedness when it comes to supporting ADHD students, but this gap can be closed. At REACH ADHD Coaching, we’re committed to helping teachers feel confident, equipped, and ready to make a difference in the lives of their neurodiverse students.
By partnering with schools to offer targeted, practical coaching, we’re helping to lead the way in creating more inclusive classrooms across Australia. Schools that embrace ADHD coaching will not only improve outcomes for their students but will also position themselves as leaders in innovation and inclusivity.
"We believe that when teachers are supported, students thrive. That’s why we’re so passionate about what we do," says Fiona. "Together, we can create classrooms where every student has the chance to succeed."
When teachers are supported, students thrive.
  • University of Melbourne research on teachers’ preparedness for supporting ADHD students
  • USA studies on the impact of ADHD coaching in schools
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